
How Does Hay Fever Allergic Reaction Affect Hair Growth?

The UK has some of the highest prevalence rates of hay fever allergic conditions in the world, with over 20% of the population affected by one or more allergic disorders. This number includes those with documented symptoms and those suspected of being affected by allergies.

Severe allergies can make you miserable but may also affect your hair growth. What happens to your scalp when you're allergic? A hay fever allergic reaction symptoms include sneezing, a runny nose, itchy eyes and ears, and congestion that affects breathing.

Hay fever is treated with medication or changes in your environment (for example, staying indoors on days when the pollen count is higher).

The scalp is supposed to be a little bit of an insulating layer from the rest of the body. However, in some cases, you may see reactions or even the development of unpleasant conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. In those cases, treatments must be used to minimize inflammation and eliminate any other undesirable effects.

What is the relationship between allergies and hair?

Allergies create systemic inflammation, which can cause other disorders, such as eczema and dermatitis, to flare up all over your body, including your scalp.

Because an allergy can develop a rash on your scalp, it has a direct impact on the health of your hair, limiting growth and, in extreme situations, resulting in temporary hair loss.

How Can Allergies Affect Hair?

Allergies can have a range of effects on your hair and scalp. The most common symptoms are redness and skin irritation, which often result in dandruff, and severe cases can result in bald patches on your head.

What Happens To Your Scalp With Hay Fever Allergies?


Allergic reactions can affect your scalp and hair follicles by causing inflammation and irritation. This irritation can lead to hair loss, which can be temporary or permanent depending on the severity of the reaction.

Allergic reactions affect different people differently. Some people may experience severe hair loss, while others only experience mild symptoms like dandruff or itching. The type of allergy is also essential as some allergies will cause more severe reactions than others.

Allergies are an immune response to a substance that is usually considered harmless. For example, pollen is not harmful to most people, but for those who suffer from hay fever (seasonal allergies), pollen can trigger a reaction in the body. Allergic reactions occur when the body's immune system mistakenly identifies a harmless substance as dangerous and then releases chemicals to fight it off. This process causes symptoms like sneezing and watery eyes.

Allergies are not limited to hay fever; they can also cause reactions to foods, medications, and insect bites. Allergic reactions to foods can cause digestive problems like diarrhoea or nausea.

Allergies can affect hair growth in two ways:

Hair loss: If an allergen damages the root of your hair follicle, it may result in temporary or permanent hair loss. However, this type of reaction is rare because most allergenic substances do not damage the roots of follicles.

Thickening of existing hair: When an allergen triggers inflammation around your hair follicles, it may trigger the thickening of existing hairs in that area.

Hair loss is often caused by alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its hair follicles. But there is another type of hair loss that allergic alopecia can cause.

Allergic alopecia occurs due to an allergic reaction to a specific allergen. This reaction causes inflammation in the scalp and damages hair follicles. If the response continues over time, it can cause permanent damage to your hair follicles and lead to permanent hair loss.

How Can You Prevent Hair Loss From Seasonal Allergies?


Seasonal allergies are caused by pollen entering your body through your nose when you breathe in the air outside. Your body responds by releasing histamines into your bloodstream, causing inflammation in your nasal passages and eyes. The result is itchy, watery eyes and sneezing fit throughout the day.


If you're prone to seasonal allergies, there are several things you can do to prevent them from affecting your appearance:

  • Stay indoors with windows closed during peak pollen season if possible; otherwise, use a HEPA filter at home or invest in an N95 mask for protection outdoors.
  • Wear sunglasses during peak pollen season to protect your eyes from pollen grains floating around in the air.
  • Use Pollen Filters on Your Windows.
  • Take Prescription Medications as Needed.
  • Stay Inside on High Pollen Days.

What Is Good For Hair Growth and Hair Thickness

1. Onion Hair Oil

Onion oil contains sulfur compounds with anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the scalp and reduce redness. It also contains allicin which helps prevent hair loss by strengthening the root of the hair follicles. Oils for healthy hair can make all the difference. 

This Onion Hair Oil by Replenhair is an excellent solution to:

  • Reduce hair loss
  • Improve hair health
  • Combat hair frizz
  • Prevent split ends
  • Improve texture

2. Super Seed Hair Oil

Another excellent option for hair health is Super Seed Oil by Replenhair. Super Seed Oil combines coriander, bamboo, pumpkin, and avocado.


Super Seed Hair Oil has the following benefits:

  • Strengthen hair roots
  • Increased blood flow to the hair roots
  • Packed with hair nutrients

People who suffer from hay fever may experience hair loss as a result. There are a few different ways this can happen, but it is essential to try to prevent it if you are affected by allergies. You should also consider other options if you have attempted over-the-counter supplements without success. There is help available for hair loss prevention and improving hair growth. Replenhair has oils for hair growth.


What can you do to lessen the effect of allergens on your hair?

There are simple things you can take to lessen the impact of seasonal allergens. Wearing a cap and having your hair tied back and away from your face helps keep pollen and dust out of your hair.

You should also avoid "sticky" hair treatments like oils, mousses, and creams since they give an ideal basis for pollen to adhere to. If this is necessary, you should at the very least rinse your hair in the evening to avoid introducing pollen into your bed.

If you have a food allergy and observe that your hair is clearly thinning or that you are losing more hair than usual (bearing in mind that the typical person loses up to 100 strands of hair every day! ), you should see a doctor.

A doctor can give you precise advise on what vitamins and nutrients you could be lacking and whether you should take supplements to compensate and make your hair look and feel healthier.

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